From desktops to SuperDomes and email to ERP.
We do not sell or integrate SAP, JIWA or any ERP, however we do know what they need to deliver the performance your business demands. We do work seamlessly with software integrators and solution providers to make this happen.
Architectural​ Blueprints
Unless you are at the bleeding edge of IT it is quite likely we have a tried and proven blueprint for what you need. By following best in class IT practices the cost of architectural design and implementation risks are reduced significantly.
It is a good introduction to the value we offer our customers. Call us in for a whiteboard session - at no charge - and see what we can do for you.
Facilities Management
Vigil Tech designs, implement and runs the technology we deliver. The experience we offer in operational management of IT infrastructure is extensive and relected in our architectural designs. Key to this is the focus on lowering the cost of ownership by utilising administration automation and remote monitoring.
IT Procurement
Having moved through the design phase and agreed a bill of materials, sourcing the required equipment at the best market value is needed. Vigil Tech maintains vendor relationships and trading arrangements with multiple distributors to ensure equipment is sourced at the best possible price.
Each business case is different and Vigil Tech will champion your requirements directly with the vendors to ensure that best possible price is obtained.
In addition, we facilitate access to vendor finance options where required.
Detection and prevention of data theft and leakage is an ecalating priority. Changes in government legislation are increasing the compliance reporting requirements while introducing significant penalties for breaches. Door signs that say "no USB sticks past this point" or expensive routers are not sufficient security measures.
A holistic view of all aspects of data protection is required. This starts at the user and extends to operating systems, networks, databases and beyond. Pattern matching is not enough. The implementation of behavioural monitoring and automated response measures are necessary.
Talk to us about justifiable solutions to this problem for your business.
Infrastructure as a Service
Perhaps your business case would be better served by the pay-as-you-go model? We offer access to shared infrastructure and service provider licensing arrangements.
The migration to IaaS is rigorously planned and executed as a staged and monitored process. Risk mitigation and roll back capability are considerations for every stage of the migration.
Disaster Recovery Planning
Disaster recovery is an old IT 'chesnut'. Unfortunately for many, implementing a disaster recovery plan is too easy to defer. More than ever, the statistics tell us that businesses that suffer an IT disaster rarely recover. Will you be expected to take responsibility for that?
Fortunately today's virtualisation tools combined with Infrastructure as a Service make DR more affordable than it has ever been.
Implementing data replication and offsite backup regimes is not enough. Until a successful drill has been executed a DR plan is not validated. Vigil Tech offers best practice methodolgies and technology solutions to make sure a DR strategy is implemented and validated.